Saturday, November 7, 2009

A rare case

There was a time when I was a Twilight fanatic. And was so crazed when I got tickets for the premiere night. Man, I was all about Edward & Bella. Then I read New Moon, and I wanted to kill myself while reading it. It was one of the worst book I've read. Ever. (Sorry Twilight Saga fans). You would think I'd stop reading the whole series, eh? But no, I still read Eclipse. Its the most dragging book ever. I continued just for the sake of finishing, although I skipped a lot of the pages because the story was going in circles. SM redeemed herself though with the fourth book, it was a BIT better than the other two. Not best, but good enough. Anyways, what I was really gonna say is about the upcoming movie, New Moon. I wasn't really keen on watching it (although I'm pretty sure I'm going to watch anyway for the heck of it. Lol). Until I saw this trailer. This is the best of the three trailers. And I'm also excited in seeing Dakota Fanning, its been a while since I last saw her in the big screen. Am a big fan. So maybe this will be one of those rare cases when the movie adaptation is better than the book. Coz if not, then the movie would suck big time. Except for Twilight Saga uber fanatics, of course.

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