Monday, February 22, 2010

On We are the World

Everyone has got something to say so I'm gonna throw in my two cents worth of opinion. I didn't like it. (I have to agree with Jay Z) "We are the world" is one of the untouchable songs. A legend sang it, no one could sing it better. Not even 85 artists pooled in together can. The original was made a year before I was born and it wasn't until I was 9 or 10 when I first heard the song. It sent chills up my bones. I was literally close to tears. That time when my fave artists were Green Day and Spice Girls. When I heard the remake, it didn't move me at all. There was something missing in the song. Well, when I watched the music video, sure I was touched coz of the clips of Haitians. But if I just listen to the song, it's....blah!

Then again, they did the song for charity and not to win a Grammy. So I'm just gonna shut up! Lol :))

Maybe, also, it has something to do with the fact that I'm usually not a big fan of remakes. Sure, there are a couple of good remakes every now and then, but generally I don't like remakes. Especially if I love the original. That's why I can't be an uber big fan of Glee. And why I think Nina should stop doing remakes and make proper use of her talent by singing original songs. If artist sing it on ASAP, no problem, but if they make an album full of remakes that's another story. I mean c'mon, Sarah, Juris, Nina, Jed Madela and others are great singers and I think it's about time they stop singing remakes. They've made their point, they're great singers, now be a great artist too.

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