Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Dear Ondoy (a repost from Norman Lasam)
You had us. You wanted attention, and you earned it.
No one had the slightest sign of your capability, of your strength. Yes, we could have been more aware. We could have been more prepared for your arrival. We could've unclogged the sewage systems, or managed our households more properly, as any hospitable Filipino would do in anticipation of a guest. Yet, we did not. We just thought you were one of those signal number one weaklings and brushed you aside. Our fault.
But nonetheless, what you did was cruel. You didn't have to drown more than a hundred people, not even a single one. You didn't have to Ondoy. You killed them. You destroyed their houses, their farms, their only means of livelihood. Is this what you trade for attention? To be written in history? To be unforgettable? Lame, Ondoy. Just lame.
Can't you see I'm furious Ondoy. Well, maybe you can't; you're not even capable. You're innately apathetic. You massacred kids!!! They had no match on you but you didn't care. Their cries for help didn't stop you. You were utterly insensate. How could you Ondoy? You're such an ass.
Was it not enough that you brought in the greatest amount of rainfall for the past 40 years in just 6 hours? That could have put you in our history in an interesting light. But your inability to spare lives chucked your record-breaking feat into oblivion.
Ondoy, you now have what you wanted. Your name is in every news nowadays. You even made the big stars mention your name, at the least. Hollywood stars twitted all about you. Local stars bragged about their superhuman skills that you apparently didn't have. But they couldn't beat you Ondoy. You even made one of them wish he were a boat. Happy now?
But I have bad news Ondoy. You are not worthy of our history. We are making our history, not you. You underestimated Filipinos, especially our tenacity. If you have time to take a rest from wreaking havoc in Vietnam, watch the news and drool over how we kick your lame ass as of this moment.
Let me tell you Ondoy, for every last breath you took away, for every life you cut short, our strength, faith, and hope intensify by ten-folds.
You had nothing on us all along.
Still Standing,
P.S. Read this letter to your two friends possibly coming over this week.
**Was just informed that he was e-mailed and was asked if this article could be included in an anthology of businessen, politicians, celebs, etc! (Norman: I'm one of the etc. Lol) Way to go man! xoxo
Monday, September 28, 2009
Twitter Mania

And I have to commend local celebs who are helping in disseminating info thrugh twitter.
More of these in twitter
TV Patrol is on, reporting about people who died in the midst of the typhoon. Please continue to pray for the the families of those who passed away, and for the people still coping up with aftermath of the storm.
Follow me on twitter
A wake up call in the form of a catastrophe

I have never been this affected with a flood because I've never known anyone who was affected by a flood...until now. Some of my friends' houses were flooded, two of them lost (almost) everything they have, another friend's husband has been stranded in their roof for hours. I used to watch in the news people in provinces who were greatly devastated by a storm and I'm ashamed to admit that I never gave too much thought in their situations. You would think that such situations are remote until it happens to people you care. It was indeed a humbling experience, and more so, an eye opener. I wanted to do more than just sit and watch the heartbreaking conditions of our kababayan.
"There is no such thing as unselfish good deeds." -Joey Tribbiani
I volunteered with a few friends in Sagip Kapamilya last Sunday. We wanted to be deployed in Marikina or any areas affected by the flood, but when we got there they have had enough volunteers for deployment and not enough trucks. So we stayed in the warehouse instead and helped in carrying stuffs. It was overwhelming to see so much donations from corporations and private people. And to see the willing hands doing their share, however small it may seem, to help those that were affected by Ondoy.
As we all know millions of pesos are coming in from different corporations and private entities to foundations for the rescue operations and relief goods.( And I think these people have more trust giving their donations to private organizations and foundations than to the government.) I think its great when Tina Monzod-Palma said that the donations are not just going to relief goods but also to projects that are to help typhoon victims get back on their feet. Because even after the water has gone down and the mud cleared, way after the houses has been cleaned it will take a long time for the victims to recover from these ordeal. There is trauma in each and everyone, houses to be rebuilt, lives to mourn for. So I sincerely hope that these millions of pesos given to private foundations and the government (especially, those that were given to the government) will be really used for the victims. I hope they will be used to aid the victims get a hold of their lives again.
I also hope that this will not just be a nightmare that will soon be forgotten. I hope this will be a wake up call to the government. 19 boats?? That's all they have. Instead of spending money so their faces will be in the television, NDCC could have used the money to buy boats, trucks, or whatever equipment needed for disasters like there. Yes, no one expected Ondoy to cause this much disaster. But that's why the agency was created. So there would be immediate help when calamity strikes. And don't give us crap about not having enough budget. I could feel the blood going up to my face again, and I know there's no point in blaming because the damage has been done but I just can't help but to do so. One of our trademarks is our resilience to whatever storm that comes along, but that doesn't give (government agencies) to overlook their responsibilities. I hope that the government officials will at least feel a bit more guilty in stealing the people's money this time. I hope they would think twice before buying houses worth millions in US. I hope they will spend less when they travel abroad. I hope they realize how their constituents are suffering while they swim in their ill-gotten wealth.
And I hope that this will also be a wake-up call to each and everyone of us. It doesn't take a genius to point out that this is due to climate change and that something like this MIGHT happen again (although I hope not). So I hope we do our share in saving Mother Earth. Plant a tree, switch off lights when not used, use reusable bags in doing our groceries, clean up, throw trash in garbage cans and not in the streets, etc. I hope that it doesn't take another typhoon for us to wake up, get out of our comfort zones and do our share.
(Noticed that I used the word "hope" too much? Well, that's there's left to do. Hope)
Pictures are not mine. I downloaded them from various websites in the net.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Before she became Lady Gaga
I actually love her music here. I think it's an orig since I can't recognize the song..or maybe its just me. Looooveee it!!! And I love her even more. Lol
...oh by the way, did I mention? My lappy is up and running again! Thanks edmer big time! :-)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Virtual Me

during weekends, I'll be in these

I love playing dress up in looklet. And I've been going to the mall looking for items close to these. LOL. I think I might go again later to bid my blues away as I always do when I'm feeling down. :-)) Either that or I eat my heart out. Better have an empty wallet than a bulging tummy! Lol
Drama bout Toshy, my lappy

The worst part is that I might lose all my files: the pics, write ups, gazillion songs, movies and everything else!! I wish it could still be recovered.
A cloud is looming above me today, stay away people!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
of bubbles and light

I was going looking for vinatge-y stuff in google when I came across this photo. I sooo love it! I don't know who took it but I love the combination of the colors and everything about it. Wish I could be better at photography. :-))
Monday, September 14, 2009
Someone please tell me why this routine didn't win?
Haha. Yeah I said I'm gonna move on from the UAAP Cheerdance hoopla, but I just watched the full routine of of UP pep squad, and the whole time I was saying OMG! because it really is wonderful and unique. Fine, maybe one stunt was a flop, but so what! Haha, bitter?? Anyways, there's still next year.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Why I'm skeptic on Noynoy's candidacy?
But if he do wins, I hope I'm wrong.
I'm no expert on politics, most of my opinions are juvenile. But then again, it's MY opinion.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
This totally made my day...
..and I've found a vid in youtube of bugoy. I used to call him "the cute boy who danced calle ocho". Haha. I was grinning the whole time. (and look at the other boy who left the stage, haha)