I watched Doubt this weekend, and
I fell in love with Meryl Streep all over again. She's like the greatest actress of all time.
Okay, one of the greatest actress of all time. With every move of her eyes, twitch of her lips, and clasp of her hands I could totally feel the emotions of Sister Aloysius Beauvier.
If you haven't watched Doubt yet, I suggest you do.
I'm now trying to get a hold on some of her old flicks like Postcards from the Edge, Out of Africa and Sophies's Choice.

I've recently watched The Reader too, and there's no question Kate Winslet deserves that Oscars. Although I think that her performance was more intense in Revolutionary Road. The judges were probably thinking about that too when they voted her for Best Actress.
Milk and Rachel Getting Married are next on my list! Never too late.. :-))