Saturday, May 30, 2009

i am what?


Watching NBA and quite enjoying it. That is what! (labo)

But yeah, you read that right. A first for me. Watched a game for kicks, still haven't quite get who battles with whom. Most people I know are rooting for the Cavaliers (at least in the Eastern conference), so I guess I am too. And Lakers for the Weatern Conf. Lol. Let's see if this new ineterst will carry on. After all, I've learned to love football. :-))

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Truth or just wishful thinking?

Could one really feel? Or it's just a way of trying to boost your ego that an ex is still hooked up on you. When the truth is that you're the one who thinks about him/her all the time, and hoping that its being reciprocated. The twisted world of love. tsk tsk!

photo from postsecret

Did you say it?

I love you..

I don't ever wanna live without you...

You changed my life...

Did you say it?

Make a plan. Set a goal. Work toward it. But every now and then, look around. Drink it in. 'Coz this is it. It might all be gone tomorrow.

-Season 5 Finale, Grey's Anatomy

eye candy

voice in my head screaming: JOLLOOOOGGGGSSSS!! That, and the heat has gone up to my head. But c'mon, isn't he a hottie?

Weekends are usually for any or in good days, all of these things. Catching up on sleep. Doing chores like bringing clothes to the laundromat, doing groceries or cleaning my room. Hanging out with friends till the wee hours of the morn.

Except I didn't do any of these last weekend. I've been too busy...well, watching Boys over Flowers! I was supposed to watch a collection DVD of Audrey Hepburn's movies but I just can't resist Jun Pyo, so I finished BOF first. LOL
Another eye candy is now John Doe. He fixed up really well. :-)
Can't believe I have to wait till September to find out if Izzie and George are staying. ALthough I think that it's really cheesy to literally "kill" both characters. Would have been better if George went to Iraq and Izzie died of cancer. Rather than having them both die. I still hope they stay, though. Grey's isn't Grey's without the two of them. But if he's really leaving Grey's, he did so with a whoop! What, with that cuteness in a uniform! :-))

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ever saw that Lee Kew Yan/ Likuan U sign?

Well, I did. In the EDSA/ Ayala Intersection.

And my initial reaction was "what the...?" Did Singapore made some kind of contribution and this is a tribute to their former leader? Is this a ruse by the MMDA? Hmmm.